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Brownett seeks to close Adams saga

By Neil Hallam

Monday 1 September 1997

AFTER stage-managing the Derbyshire committee's climb-down over their recent contest of wills with the players, chairman Vic Brownett now finds himself with a new dilemma over Chris Adams' ``umpteenth'' request to be released from his contract.

The batsman's absence from the side which drew with Somerset on Saturday, was officially put down to ``a recurrence of tonsillitis''.

Adams, however, has made it known that he was ``fit and available'' and his agent is understood to have written to Brownett to protest about his exclusion - a somewhat ripe situation in view of Adams' insistence throughout the last four seasons that he does not want to play for the county.

Adams was also excluded from the side for yesterday's AXA Life League game - ostensibly to ``try out some younger players'' - and it seems increasingly likely that he will not appear for the county again.

Brownett says that he will recommend releasing Adams unless he can change his mind in the near future but a majority on the committee and many members - are opposed to such a course.

Mr Brownett commented: ``We've had the best part of four years of problems with Chris and I only want around me people who are completely committed to rebuilding the county after a season of upheaval.''

His problem is that others in the dressing room, disenchanted by the committee's attitude towards the players in the bitter aftermath of Dean Jones departure in June, might well insist on their release too if Adams is granted his wish with a year of his contract left to run.

It is an open secret that players such as Dominic Cork and Karl Krikken are coveted elsewhere.

Source: The Electronic Telegraph
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Date-stamped : 25 Feb1998 - 18:51