Why no lawyers for the BCCSL?

By Elmo Rodrigopulle

Wednesday 05, November 1997

Cricket's bribery scandal keeps getting curiouser and couriouser with each passing day.

Allegations and counter allegations are being made. Denials and counter denials are the order of the day.

While the sports world waits with bated breath for the final outcome, what is the future of the Cricket Board is the question that is on everyone's lips.

Top notch lawyers

All parties in the scandal have retained top notch lawyers to look after their interest.

The local actors in this drama belong to the Cricket Board. So is it not of vital importance to retain lawyers to watch and safeguard the good name of the Cricket Board?

What must be uppermost in mind is the good name of the Cricket Board. From time immemorial those who ran the affairs of the Board maintained its lofty ideals, kept it clean and ran its affairs with high sense of dignity and honesty.

Good name

Those who matter must see that whatever the outcome of the alleged bribery scandal, the good name of the Cricket Board must not be tarnished.

In this instance S. B. Dissanayake, Minister of Sport must bat with the interest of the CB at heart and unleash all his strokes to maintain the high standards set by the Cricket Board and safeguard it.

Once besmirched a good name cannot be redeemed for a long time.

Men may come and men may go but the Cricket Board must go on...


Skipper Arjuna Ranatunga whose rotundity was the target of TV commentators Geoff Boycott and Henry Blofeld who poked fun at him, slapped his detractors by proving his fitness and lashing an unbeaten 84 which also won him the man of the match award.

Ranatunga who no doubt has been god's gift to the game made his lithe movements on the field and let his bat do the talking and it is hoped that Boycott and Blofeld have got the message!

Source: The Daily News

Contributed by CricInfo Management
Date-stamped : 25 Feb1998 - 18:46