Hong Kong Cricket Association
Hong Kong Cricket Association



2001-02 Season Review
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Check the following links to see which teams and individuals performed best in the 2001-02 domestic cricket season:

Visit the following pages to review the 2001-02 domestic season in detail:

2001-02 Season - Top Teams
The 2001-02 season will be remembered for...© Travis Pittman
  • HKCA Ernest Maude Saturday League Champions - Nomads
  • HKCA Ernest Maude Saturday League Runners-Up - Hong Kong University
  • Saturday Cup Winners - Nomads
  • Saturday Cup Runners-Up - Tartars
  • Saturday Plate Winners - Centaurs
  • Saturday Plate Runners-Up - Lamma
  • HKCA Somerley Sunday League Champions - Scorpions
  • HKCA Somerley Sunday League Runners-Up - Not awarded
  • Sunday Cup Winners - RMDK Little Sai Wan
  • Sunday Cup Runners-Up - HKCC Scorpions
  • Under 19 League Champions - RMDK Little Sai Wan
  • Under 15 League Champions - RMDK Little Sai Wan
  • Under 13 League Champions - Kowloon Cricket Club
  • Under 11 League Champions - Hong Kong Cricket Club
  • HKCA / LCSD Primary Schools' Playground League - Li Cheng Uk Government Primary PM School
  • Tony Turner Trophy -
  • 2002 Summer 8's - Sportsmen CC
  • Hancock Shield (HKCC v. KCC) - Hong Kong Cricket Club
  • Tony Gough Cup (HKCC Over 45s v. KCC Over 45s) -
  • Lal Jayasinghe League (Secondary Schools Junior League) - South Island School
  • Ted Wilson Trophy - Delia Memorial School
  • Junior Sixes Festival 2002 - RMDK Little Sai Wan

2001-02 Season - HKCA Annual Awards
The following awards were presented at the HKCA Annual Awards Dinner, held at Hong Kong Cricket Club:© Travis Pittman
  • Hong Kong Cricketer of the Year - Butt Hussain
  • Hong Kong Young Cricketer of the Year - Graeme Harwinkels
  • Schoolboy Cricketer of the Year - Shkawat Ali
  • Young Dragon of the Year - Robert Bacon
  • Best Sunday Batsman - Mark Eames
  • Best Sunday Bowler - Adam Smith
  • Best Sunday Wicket-keeper - Tim Smart
  • Sunday Captain of the Year - Tabarak Dar
  • Best Saturday Batsman - Mark Eames
  • Best Saturday Bowler - Malcolm Costain
  • Best Saturday Wicket-keeper - Stephen Burke
  • Saturday Captain of the Year - Adrian Ashman
  • Jungu Vachha Umpire of the Year - Mike Walsh

2001-02 Season - President's Report

© Travis PittmanPresident's Report 2001-2002


Hong Kong has participated in many international tournaments staged locally and overseas during the year, and achieved remarkable results :

  • U13 Team winning the 2002 South East Asian Championship in Singapore this March proved the success of the HKCA junior development programmes over the years. Enormous publicity was generated as a result and helped to lift the profile of cricket in the local community.
  • The Association successfully staged the U15 South East Asian Championships in December 2001. Hong Kong came Second in the tournament.
  • The U19 Team was Runner-up in the East Asian Pacific World Cup in Fiji.
  • The Hong Kong Senior Team won the Senior South East Asian Championships 2001 in Bangkok. They also participated in ICC Tournament in Canada but the result was disappointing with the team being eliminated in the early rounds.


The Hong Kong Cricket Sixes event was successfully staged at Kowloon Cricket Club in November with teams from South Africa, India, Australia, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, Sri Lanka, and Hong Kong. A recently signed three year sponsorship deal with Cathay Pacific and Standard Chartered Bank ensures the event is now a permanent fixture on the Hong Kong Cricket calendar.


  • Another successful season. 16 teams participated in the Saturday League. However because of the non-availability of the DBS ground for much of the season, the final league placing was based on a 15 team format with the few fixtures completed by DBS being discounted.
  • Sunday League comprised 9 teams but was curtailed once the Championship winning team was decided in order to commence and complete the Sunday Cup within a reasonable time scale.
  • Sunday Cup started right away following the conclusion of the League. Champion was decided after an exciting and close match between Little Sai Wan CC and Scorpions with the former clinched the title.


  • 26 junior teams participated in four divisions of the Junior League in 2001 – 2002 season.
  • HKCA reached an understanding with the Hong Kong School League Association in the coming season to supplement each other in fixtures so that young players could play more regularly providing them a greater chance for improvement.
  • The Association is intending to introduce a U17 Junior League in the coming season.
  • The Playground League was in its third year. 46 teams with over 400 students took part in the tournament. It is particularly pleasing to see local student standards rising and it should be recognized that some players in the Hong Kong Junior National Teams came from the Playground League.
  • The Association is planning to start a Secondary School League in the coming academic year.
  • The Junior Player Pool proved to be successful and will continue in the next season.
  • Super Team became the fourth club qualified as a Community Sports Club and started to receive government subvention.


  • The Association successfully secured Tin Kwong Road Sports Ground as a designated ground for National Squad training. Training nets are being planned to be built on the ground by LCSD.
  • A training ground for Super Team has been secured at the Hong Kong Sports Institute on regular basis.
  • Permission has been received from the Hong Kong Sports Development Board to install training nets at the Sports Institute.
  • The LCSD has granted permission to the Association to use its Indoor Sports Complexes in various districts in the territory for running all year round training centres.
  • A ground breaking match at Po Kong Village ground was held in March. Junior matches such as the Junior Sixes were also been played in Po Kong Village. Seeding of the ground will begin in due course. The Association is attempting to negotiate with government for permanent use of that ground.


  • The LCSD Elementary Training Centres continued to attract more than 1200 participants annually.
  • 51 demonstrations to schools were conducted in 2001/2002, double the previous year.


There have been several important staff changes during the year. Mark Burns and Ravi Nagdev resigned after a number of years of excellent service. They have been replaced by Danny Lai as General Manager and Charly Lam as Sports Development Executive who with Rahuman Farcy, Simone Kwan, Ron Brierly, Lal Jayasinghe and the other coaching staff continue to provide a strong team to support the work of the Association.

Terry Smith

Thank You to Sponsors & Supporters

The HKCA would like to thank all the sponsors and supporters for their contributions to Hong Kong Cricket in 2001-02:

  • International Cricket Council
  • Asian Cricket Council
  • Hong Kong Cricket Club
  • Kowloon Cricket Club
  • Craigengower Cricket Club
  • Hong Kong Sports Development Board
  • Leisure and Cultural Services Department
  • Umpires and Scorers of HKACUS
  • Cathay Pacific Airways
  • Standard Chartered Bank
  • Wellcome Supermarkets
  • Somerley Limited
  • Ernest Maude Continental Investments
  • Travis Pittman & CricInfo
  • Perrier
  • Uhlsport
  • ITCS Corporate Services
  • and all who volunteered their time and services to help Hong Kong cricket this season.