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The Electronic Telegraph Day 1: Cambridge University v Kent
David Grose - 20-22 May 1999

At full strength, Cambridge provide only minor inconvenience to county batsmen on the easy-paced pitches at Fenner's.

Without the majority of their first-choice side, as they were against Kent yesterday, they pose virtually no threat. The call of examinations that started this week meant Cambridge were without six regulars.

Short of runs from the top of their order this season, it was just what the county wanted and one of the reasons they were keen to play the game even in the examination season when cricket is usually suspended.

Trevor Ward and Matthew Walker both scored centuries and David Fulton fell for 99 in a total of 368 for three declared. Cambridge were 27 without loss in reply.

Day 2: Students are made to suffer

David Grose at Fenner's

Second day of three: Kent (368-3 dec & 181-1) lead Cambridge Univ (102) by 447 runs

Cambridge lived to regret their decision to take the fixture against Kent in the middle of the examination season after a second-day drubbing.

It is not often students would prefer to be studying rather than playing cricket but this was such a day as Cambridge were hammered from pillar to post, first by the county bowlers and then by their batsmen.

The university started the day encouragingly enough when openers Imran Mohammed and Simon Lewis put on 50 before Martin Saggers celebrated his signing of a one-year contract with the county by dismissing both.

Martin McCague captured the next four wickets as the university nosedived to 76 for six before the tail took them to 102.

Ed Smith, the one first-innings failure, and Robert Key scored untroubled half-centuries for Kent before Smith was run out for the second time, 11 short of a century. Key remained on 74 at the close when Kent led by the small matter of 447 runs.

Source: The Electronic Telegraph
Editorial comments can be sent to The Electronic Telegraph at et@telegraph.co.uk