Dawn Pakistan's most widely circulated English language newspaper.

Security beefed up for Pakistan team

By Our Special Representative

20 November 1997

PESHAWAR, Nov 19: Security has been beefed up at Pakistan cricket team's hotel and no unauthorised individual is allowed entry on the team's floor.

Investigations, have revealed that the the step has been taken in the background of some distracting individuals who visited some of the team players in the past two days. A very senior police official has been assigned to personally monitor the movements of the players and keep a watchful eye on their visitors.

Autograph hunters, who invaded the hotel on the first two days, have been completely denied entry. The officials first seek the permission of the players before allowing their visitors to enter the second floor on which the entire home team is lodged. Some of the unconfirmed reports said law enforcing officials also discussed the situation with Pakistan team manager Haroon Rasheed.

On the first two days, only two policemen were posted on the team's floor but the tally has reportedly been increased to six.

Source: Dawn
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Date-stamped : 25 Feb1998 - 18:34