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Mexico City Cricket ClubFounded 1894

MCCC in 2001

Current Playing Situation
There are over one hundred and fifty players on the club's books and close to seventy social members. 
The club is divided into three large squads, Aztecs, Corinthians and Reforma.

Both limited and unlimited over fixtures are played every Sunday from October to June (excluding a three week Christmas break). The club tours Florida every year for the Sarasota Six-A-Side tournament and also visits Houston, Texas, and occasionally Belize.

The British & Dominion Club from Los Angeles toured Mexico in November 2000 and the Memorial Club from Houston return each March. A Belize national team tours every other year and in June this year, the Miami Masters visited Mexico with ex-West Indian batsman Faoud Bacchus among their squad.

April sees the arch-enemies England and Australia in battle as Anzac Day is celebrated with a typically passionate Ashes encounter. This year just on 200 spectators witnessed a tied game.

In November 2000 an Australian coach was appointed to improve the playing standard of the club's playing members as well as to conduct coaching clinics in local secondary schools.

In addition, the MCCC is applying for ICC affiliated-membership. The case will be heard in mid-2001.