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The Electronic Telegraph Surrey v Glamorgan, National League Second Division
Neville Scott - 19 June 1999

Maynard takes it on the chin

Matthew Maynard, the Glamorgan captain, refused to blame their disastrous performance yesterday, when they were bowled out for 44 by Surrey's Martin Bicknell and Ian Bishop, on uncertainty over the future of coach Duncan Fletcher.

The Zimbabwean is heavily tipped to be announced shortly as England's replacement for David Lloyd and Leicestershire have cited similar confusion surrounding Jack Birkenshaw, one of Fletcher's rivals for the post, as a reason for loss of focus at Grace Road.

Maynard, however, said: ``There's been lots of speculation and we may just have been distracted but we know that can't be any acceptable excuse.''

Fletcher echoed the line, taking things on the chin and not commenting on the England situation. If granted an international role, he may yet prove one of the very few in senior ranks ready to acknowledge just how good a bowler Bicknell has become.

Bicknell had pulled out of Surrey's game against Lancashire on Tuesday with breathing irregularities, never before experienced, which led him to consult a specialist. Bishop, his accomplice with three for 13, was released by Somerset in 1996 when he played his only previous first team match, against Pakistan A.

Source: The Electronic Telegraph
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